4 hrs agoLiked by Chris Jones

You really hit the nail on the head, this time! I saw this coming a long time ago. It is a stagnant pool of filth that has spread all over our country. Are we all sheep that we have to take this? How bad does it have to get before we say enough is enough and tear the walls down?

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For me it starts with Citizens United, the Supreme Court decision that allows our politicians to be bought by the big money folks. Big budget attack ads obscure the public's view of our political leaders. So, King Corn, rules. Even land not suitable for corn is plowed up now since tax payers pay for low prices and flooded fields. The last attempt by the Iowa delegation to beat up on Tom Vilsack for not sending even more money to our farmers got some push back. Good. I wish someone would lay out all the tax breaks and subsidies Iowa farmers get. In a break even year one has to ask where is all the tax payer money ending up. Koch, WH and the Barons in Frerick's book take a bunch of it. And, our voters are clueless. However, Chris, is it possible that we have hit bottom?

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I agree, Mike. When the corrupt Supremes decided money was free speech and corporations were people, the die was cast.

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Thanks for the truth injection, Chris. For things to be as screwed up as they are in Iowa, Congress MUST be practicing bipartisanship.

The best dirt for growing crops in America is being horribly mismanaged.

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