Did you read Tom Barton’s column yesterday about conservation dollars in the Farm Bill? Iowa farmers are complaining about the guidelines being too strict to access those funds, because you know, farmers are the original environmentalists, and the best caretakers of their land, and all that jazz.
Did you read Tom Barton’s column yesterday about conservation dollars in the Farm Bill? Iowa farmers are complaining about the guidelines being too strict to access those funds, because you know, farmers are the original environmentalists, and the best caretakers of their land, and all that jazz.
Thank you, Washington Co Ia is one of the leaders in cover crops and is #1 or 2 in no-till. I started no-till with many others about 1990 (lot of trial and errors with attachments on planters to make it work) and started cover crops many yrs ago. I just wish we'd known about cover crops when started no-tilling.
Did you read Tom Barton’s column yesterday about conservation dollars in the Farm Bill? Iowa farmers are complaining about the guidelines being too strict to access those funds, because you know, farmers are the original environmentalists, and the best caretakers of their land, and all that jazz.
Thanks I will take a look
ALL Ia. farmers, come now. What Ia. farmers?
The ones who aren't covering their soil, for starters. https://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/chart-gallery/gallery/chart-detail/?chartId=108950#:~:text=U.S.%20cropland%20area%20planted%20to,of%20total%20cropland%20in%202022.
Thank you, Washington Co Ia is one of the leaders in cover crops and is #1 or 2 in no-till. I started no-till with many others about 1990 (lot of trial and errors with attachments on planters to make it work) and started cover crops many yrs ago. I just wish we'd known about cover crops when started no-tilling.