I, too, am guilty of erring on the side of "being sure to plant enough". After thorough analysis, I've determined that my problem all starts in the fall, when I scrupulously clean up all the beds. Therefore, in the spring, it's so easy to just pop the seeds and seedlings into the waiting earth. Only later, starting in July, does my folly become evident. One would think that after 70 years I would have wised up.

I enjoyed the canning jar tips; and the mathematical calculations --they help in efforts to legitimize our foolishness.

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Ahhhh, canning. How do you keep the sweat bees away when you can outside. You prep inside and can outside? I'm embarrassed to admit I've caved and we installed an air conditioner! I LOVE to can indoors in the cool and it feels so decadent.

I'm truly impressed you've maintained the size of your garden. Mine has decreased in size by 75%!

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Canning: brings back memories of my grandmother doing the same for the "fruits" of her two large farm gardens and, more recent (40 years ago) watching my mother do much the same. On another note, still wondering about that copy of your book, still no news regarding its delivery?

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Bruce I talked to the publisher this morning and he said he had tried to mail it, but the carrier said the address was not a valid one. He has the label printed out, so he is going to go ahead and send it this morning anyway.

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Hi Chris, I have never received my copy either. Jean O'Donnell in Des Moines.

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Ok I’ll get it figured out

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Thank you!

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Jean I am looking at my file and I don't have your address. Could you email it to me: cj22104@gmail.com and I will get the book out to you.

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Chris, I wonder if my emails have gone into your spam folder. I will resend that information. My email is jao0426@gmail.com, if you could be on the lookout for it. Thank you!

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Chris, I sent them my address a long time ago but here it is again: 2929 Tama St. SE Cedar Rapids, IA 52403 Anyway to crosscheck to see if that is what they have for my address label? Thanks for following up on this!

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Book arrived today! Thanks and I look forward to read and reread more recent essays from your more recent postings.

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I don't know what I just signed away so that I can say that yes, it is an Iowa cultural thing. And I really appreciate the fruit jar talk. Makes me feel less bad about what's in my garage/barn, depending on who's naming it. My mother was one of those aproned ancients, so she's turning toward you, no longer sweating. You don't mention dehydrating, which I need to do with some peaches so I have their joy in my winter oatmeal. For a while.


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My spouses’ family in SW Iowa canned. My family, and as far as I can tell, none of my neighbors, canned. After reading this, I think Chris has a new topic for a book--Chris on canning. (His political book could be Chris on (metaphorically) Caning CAFO’s

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I really enjoyed this. You really went into the deep weeds to cipher all this. My kind of stuff. Back of the envelope calculations are great. Richard Feynman would approve.

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