Another excellent summary and call to action. Iowans should listen...

Grassley promised that Inspectors General would not be touched, as 17 were fired. Ernst, a survivor of sexual assault and spousal abuse, voted to confirm a serial abuser of alcohol and women. And yes, agriculture. How is this DOGE (translation, dodgy) "team" in Washington working out as USDA jobs and loan reimbursements are slashed? What IS the future for soil and water with this doublespeak (translation, these lies) that Chris points out?

The time to act was long ago but BETTER LATE THAN NEVER!

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On point as always Chris. I watched "Devil Put the Coal in the Ground" last nite, a documentary about WV & how a single industry has destroyed that state. Hard to not see parallels between Big Ag and Iowa. And to realize how much worse things will get w/o federal funding for programs that protect us.

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Bird favorably compares Iowas environmental record with, you guessed it, West Virginia’s, in the Amicus Brief

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If you run for office I will contribute.

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thanks I'll keep that in mind!

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Somehow we have to fight while we can. You have made me aware of the pollution that is ocurring. I sure didn't realize it was that bad. Between chemicals and to many animals in one location we are setting us up for disaster.

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Demoralizing to turn on the local news stations and the political report is provided by News Nation! The local “paper” hides anything detrimental to the fallacy of MAGA thinking to page 8 in a side column. We remain a citizenry that is being fed corn fructose based news! TG for Substack and Bluesky!

Major thanks to those of you still providing facts!

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Oh, my! Your advocacy here for an Iowa unbeclowned by the likes of Grassley, Ernst, Bird, Naig & Co. is a far better stimulant than my morning coffee. Bravo for an excellent bit of writing! Give 'em hell!

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Excellent essay as per usual. If outrage was clean water, we might have a chance at cleaning up Iowa's sewers, I mean waterways. Between you and my other favorite Substack writer Matt Labash is a close contest who is best channeling HL Mencken, accurately observing “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.” It is good to remember Iowans CHOSE these people at the state, county and federal level, often by double digits and deserve whatever is coming, all of which I suspect is bad economically and environmentally. Stupid has a payment plan, and invoices are in the mail for MAGA Iowa, unfortunately for the rest of us too. I am trying to suppress my schadenfreude at what is coming, which is mainly Corn Miners yowling this fall from the cab of their subsidized $70k pickup, or $800k Combine for "support" but I know me well enough to know............I will not. Already ordered 200 Trump " I did that" stickers. You know like the MAGA trash put on gas pumps when supply, demand and OPEC caused price increases. Yes, I know its childish, and incorrect , but what is good for the shit-for-brains is good for the economically illiterate MAGA voters. We should have "voluntary" septic fields be the rule, like they were back in the day, and let the road ditches be the dumps they were when I was a lad in the 60's. Or drain old motor oil out on the gravel road, all that "good old days" dipshittery.

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👏👏👏 (reposted this on Blue Sky - thxs!)

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A point of order here...the proper term is MAGAtts, not MAGAns.

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Thank you for this column and article. I appreciate the light you shed on the horrible nature of our “ representatives” and elected officials and the deadly impact they are having on all of us Iowans, as well as those down river from us. 🙏

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Thank you Chris for connecting the dots... oh so many dots these days. I truly appreciate you making the connections that seem so obvious after reading your posts. I wonder if we have an opportunity here to call out Naig for choosing up sides -- e.g. choose between being just another sycophant for making greatness and the new administration, or stand up for his years of VolCon bullshit. Thank you again.

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Exactly “The Party has taught you all to be cunning, and whoever becomes too cunning loses all decency.”—Arthur Koestler in Darkness at Noon

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Excellent hard hitting story Chris. Way to put the hammer down. My guess is there are new conversations going on within certain Iowa GOP circles on how they can take you down along with other critical writers in the IWC on Substack. Good luck! Keep up the great work. You set the bar high for all of us.

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Thanks, Chris, for continuing to articulate what many of us feel and for giving us words and facts to use when communicating to legislators and to others. While some may categorize your persistence as being borderline obsessive-compulsive, it sure is welcomed. Keep up your valued efforts.

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Not looking forward to it, but this bowling ball of chaos called MAGA may thin the USA without Ozempic, much the same as Venesuela was under Maduro. Maybe a generation or so down the road we all can all build back better.

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Stray Dogma is a must read for all Iowans.

Let’s gather and cross the Rubicon.

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