As long as citizens believe farmers care about water quality, feed the world, fuel the world, and generally treated as good job Jonny's, politicians will be elected by the fooled majority. It's that simple.
As long as citizens believe farmers care about water quality, feed the world, fuel the world, and generally treated as good job Jonny's, politicians will be elected by the fooled majority. It's that simple.
Stop using the word “Farmer“ so loosely. People that use the conventional agribusiness model are nothing more than soil killing, equipment operators. Those of us who are truly farmers at the very least, are certified organic and produce food. Producing toxic from input to product commodities
saddest thing is our colonialist ancestors largely slaughtered the inhabitants who understood how to tend the earth in ways that provided for them so well they had more than enough. glad that enough survived to pass on much of that knowledge.
The mostly pacifist societies that understood they were part of nature never had any luck over the colonialists, who asserted they should have “domain over” thinking the bastards are undefeated…..😉
As long as citizens believe farmers care about water quality, feed the world, fuel the world, and generally treated as good job Jonny's, politicians will be elected by the fooled majority. It's that simple.
Stop using the word “Farmer“ so loosely. People that use the conventional agribusiness model are nothing more than soil killing, equipment operators. Those of us who are truly farmers at the very least, are certified organic and produce food. Producing toxic from input to product commodities
I agree with your assessment. Corporate agribusiness is in no way farming.
Thank you. I appreciate you taking that as I meant it. Nothing personal just dating a slice of reality.
Like anything concerning the environment, we no longer have the luxury of saying “we don’t have that technology yet.”
We do. Sadly, the masses are tired, uneducated, and proudly ignorant. Our industrial food complex does a great job of facilitating.
saddest thing is our colonialist ancestors largely slaughtered the inhabitants who understood how to tend the earth in ways that provided for them so well they had more than enough. glad that enough survived to pass on much of that knowledge.
The mostly pacifist societies that understood they were part of nature never had any luck over the colonialists, who asserted they should have “domain over” thinking the bastards are undefeated…..😉