Take your industry, mouthpiece gibberish, and shove far far far up your ass.
Conventional agrabusiness kills soil. It’s that simple. As well as complex lifeforms and humans. Shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down. Conventional agrabusiness equipment operators are the intellectually laziest demographic in America. And that’s a high fucking bar.
Take your industry, mouthpiece gibberish, and shove far far far up your ass.
Conventional agrabusiness kills soil. It’s that simple. As well as complex lifeforms and humans. Shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down. Conventional agrabusiness equipment operators are the intellectually laziest demographic in America. And that’s a high fucking bar.
Wow! You are very interesting. Very hard to have sensible exchange with you. Thx though, I love exchanging with people that may be a little misinformed
Take your industry, mouthpiece gibberish, and shove far far far up your ass.
Conventional agrabusiness kills soil. It’s that simple. As well as complex lifeforms and humans. Shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down. Conventional agrabusiness equipment operators are the intellectually laziest demographic in America. And that’s a high fucking bar.
Wow! You are very interesting. Very hard to have sensible exchange with you. Thx though, I love exchanging with people that may be a little misinformed
I speak truth. With no tact or middle class sensibility. Please deal with it.
To be ignorant of anything in today’s society, with every written word in the world libraries at your fingertips is inexcusable.
Misinformed? You are so far out of your depth. You need to sit down and be quiet or go away.